KACTUS has developed a full portfolio of tag-free or small-tag cytokines with verified cellular-level bioactivity for various cell culture applications.
KACTUS: Cytokines & Receptors

KACTUS has developed a full portfolio of tag-free or small-tag cytokines with verified cellular-level bioactivity for various cell culture applications.
All the analytical tools you need for your research: in vivo products, tetramers, ELISAs, small molecules & proteins (RUO & GMP)!
AdipoGen Life Sciences offers a broad range of unique and potent IL-33 research tools.
In order to provide the most biologically active proteins, many of Leinco Technologies’ proteins are expressed using mammalian host cells,
The cytokine storm is a relatively new discovery & is actively being studied. ProSci offers cytokine & chemokine antibodies & recombinant proteins.
Leadgene Biomedical has announced the launch of LEADSPHERE™ Lyophilization Technology to aid in the dispense, storage, and transport of their reagents