ScienCell products distributed in UK and Europe by Caltag Medsystems

ScienCell Research Laboratories

ScienCell Research Laboratories is an expanding biotechnology company established in 1999 with the mission to research and develop cell products for experimental use.

ScienCell provides a variety of high quality normal human and animal cells, cell culture media and reagents, gene analysis tools, cell-derived molecular biology products, transfection reagents, cell-based assay kits, and stem cell products for the research community.

To complement their vast array of primary human and animal cells, they offer speciality medium designed to selectively promote unique cell growth, including STEMium™, which allows for the optimal growth of human pluripotent stem cells under feeder-free conditions. The Scientists at ScienCell are studying and developing cell therapeutic strategies to significantly improve the quality of life for patients with degenerative diseases.

Primary Cells

With cutting-edge technologies and stringent standard of quality control, ScienCell is proud to provide researchers with over 260 types of reliable, high quality primary cells from 24 normal human and animal systems many of which are unique to the industry.

Primary cells differ from immortalised cell lines by limited population doubling. Without genetic and chemical modifications, primary cells retain many of the important physiological properties of their origin tissue systems and closely mimic the in vivo conditions. They, therefore, offer ideal cell models for a vast variety of research, from fundamental cell biology and physiology, developmental biology, disease mechanisms, to drug screening and therapeutics development.

Using methods exclusive to ScienCell, their primary cells are isolated from healthy human and animal tissues, cryopreserved at early passage with outstanding cell viability. They also provide customised cell isolation services, cell-derived DNA, RNA and proteins.

Cell Systems

  • Adipose Cell System
  • Cardiac Cell System
  • Dermal Cell System
  • Endocrine Cell System
  • Female Reproductive Cell System
  • Gastrointestinal Cell System
  • Hair Cell System
  • Hepatic Cell System
  • Lymphatic Cell System
  • Male Reproductive Cell System
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cell System
  • Nervous Cell System
  • Ocular Cell System
  • Oral Cell System
  • Placenta Cell System
  • Pulmonary Cell System
  • Renal Cell System
  • Skeletal Cell System
  • Skeletal Muscle Cell System
  • Spleen Cell System
  • Thyroid Cell System
  • Tonsil Cell System
  • Urethral Cell System
  • Umbilical Cord Cell System

Cell Types

  • Adrenal Cortical Cells
  • Annulus Fibrosus Cell
  • Astrocytes
  • Cardiac Myocytes
  • Chondrocytes
  • Endothelial Cells
  • Epithelial Cells
  • Fibroblasts
  • Hair Cells
  • Hepatocytes
  • Keratinocytes
  • Keratocytes
  • Melanocytes
  • Meningeal
  • Mesangial Cells
  • Mesenchymal Stem Cells
  • Microglia
  • Muscle Myoblasts
  • Muscle Satellite Cells
  • Neurons
  • Nucleus Pulposus Cells
  • Oligodendrocytes
  • Osteoblasts
  • Pericytes
  • Perineurial
  • Preadipocytes
  • Schwann Cells
  • Skeletal Muscle Cells
  • Smooth Muscle Cells
  • Stellate Cells

Primary Cells

Cell Culture Media

ScienCell's wide assortment of cell culture media is in liquid form and includes Specialty, Classical & Supplement varieties. Each product is designed for the optimal nutrition and growth of primary cells. ScienCell's media is manufactured and tested to ensure a high standard of quality and consistency.

Each speciality medium is paired with cell-specific growth supplements for optimal growth and survival. Complete media kits include basal media, growth supplement, penicillin/streptomycin and foetal bovine serum (if applicable).

Speciality Media

ScienCell speciality media are formulated to meet the complex nutritional requirements of primary cells under low serum or serum-free conditions. Each speciality medium is paired with cell-specific growth supplements for optimal growth and survival.

Classical Media

ScienCell Research Laboratories provides high-quality classical media formulations. They are also happy to accommodate custom formulation requests.


ScienCell growth supplements are optimally formulated with the hormones and growth factors necessary to support individual primary cell types. Supplements are included with speciality media or may be purchased separately.

Cell Culture

Stem Cells

Pluripotent stem cells can be derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst (an early-stage embryo), termed embryonic stem (ES) cells, or induced from somatic cells by ectopic expression of a set of transcription factors including Oct3/4, Sox2, c-Myc, Klf4, Nanog, named iPS cells.  These cells are able to self-renewal and differentiate into all derivatives of the three primary germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm.

Meanwhile, mesenchymal stem cells are multipotent stromal cells that can differentiate into a variety of cell types including osteoblasts, chondrocytes and adipocytes.

ScienCell provides quality products of culture medium, growth factors, mesenchymal stem cells, characterization tools etc. for your stem cells research.

Stem Cells

Transfection reagents

ScienCell has a wide variety of cell transfection reagents, fully optimised for high-efficiency transfection, as well as any extracellular matrix your cells demand. Whether your cells require USDA-certified foetal bovine serum, Trypsin/EDTA, or an enzyme-free dissociation solution, and much more, ScienCell can provide fully-tested and guaranteed components that will allow your cells to reach their maximum potential.

The manipulation of gene expression is an important tool for researchers, yet primary cells are notoriously difficult to transfect. ScienCell Research Laboratories' suite of cationic polymer-based transfection reagents are designed and optimized for specific primary cell types. Obtain efficient transfection in just one day without the need to remove serum or antibiotics

Transfection Reagents

Molecular Biology

ScienCell Research Laboratories provides ready-to-use DNAs, RNAs, and protein lysates isolated from their extensive collection of primary cells. The quality and purity of their molecular biology products are rigorously tested by their Quality Control Department to ensure optimal performance. Our molecular biology products are convenient and cost-effective for researchers as it eliminates the need to acquire expensive tissues for the isolation of DNA, RNA, or lysates.


ScienCell provides genomic DNA, Complete DNA extracted from over 100 different primary cell types. They have various applications in experiments, such as PCR, molecular cloning, Western/Southern/Northern Blotting and microarrays.

Genomic DNA   Complete DNA


ScienCell provides MicroRNA, total RNA extracted from over 100 different primary cell types. They have various applications in experiments, such as PCR, molecular cloning, Western/Southern/Northern Blotting and microarrays.

microRNA   Total RNA


ScienCell's protein lysates are prepared from early passage normal primary cells using a modified RIPA buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.2, 150 mM NaCl, 1% NP-40, 1mM EDTA, 1 mM EGTA, 0.4 mM PMSF, 5 μg/ml aprotinin, 5 μg/ml leupeptin, 1 μg/ml pepstatin, 1 mM Na3VO4, 5 mM NaF). The quality of the lysates is rigorously tested using Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Their lysates are supplied ready-to-use and are cost-effective for researchers as it eliminates the need to acquire expensive tissues.


qPCR kits

Why use ScienCell qPCR kits?

  • Gene selection is based on extensive literature research by our PhD team
  • All known transcript variants of the target gene are recognized
  • Primers are verified with over 10 types of normal human primary cells to assure universal specificity and biological relevance
  • Performance guaranteed with high efficiency and reproducibility; free of non-specific amplification
  • FREE Customization

PCR kits

Cell pellets

Cell Pellets are prepared from early passage human primary cells. Each pellet contains 5 million cells and can be used for a variety of applications including PCR, western blotting, genomic DNA library construction, and gene expression profiling. Cell pellets from ScienCell Research Laboratories are convenient and cost-effective for researchers as it eliminates the need to acquire expensive tissues.

Cell Pellets

HLA typing kits

The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex is a gene complex located on the short arm of human chromosome 6. The HLA complex is the human version of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) which helps the immune system distinguish host cells from invaders. It is the most polymorphic locus in the human genome and has been implicated in many pathologies including autoimmunity disorders and cancer.

ScienCell offers a series of GeneQuery™ HLA PCR+Sanger SBT Typing Kits to genotype 6 HLA genes, HLA-A, -B, -C, -DPB1, -DQB1, and -DRB1. These kits utilize the Sequence-Based Typing (SBT) method, which is the gold standard for HLA typing. The Sanger sequencing results can be analyzed by SOAPTyping software (BGI). The two haplotypes from both parents can be typed simultaneously using these kits and the SOAPTyping software.

In addition, ScienCell offers HLA genotyping service using these kits. Typing results will be delivered in the format of 4-digit genotypes (e.g., HLA-A*02:01 and HLA-A*25:01).

Contact us to find out more

Cell-Based Assays

ScienCell offers faster and more sensitive cell-based assays designed for increased throughput in biomedical research, drug screening, and diagnostic fields. Cell-based assays are essential and powerful tools in research and clinical labs. ScienCell Research Laboratories has developed a wide variety of cell-based assay kits to facilitate research in many areas such as metabolism, oxidative stress, and stem cells as well as to provide quantitative results for enzyme activity, metabolite level, and the status of cell growth.

  • 3D Cell Culture
  • Cell Analysis Assays
  • Enzyme Activity Assays
  • Metabolism Assays
  • Organelle Analysis Assays
  • Oxidative Stress Assays
  • Stem Cells Assays

Cell Based Assays


Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is a simple and highly sensitive method to quantify a secreted or intracellular protein concentration within a variety of different sample types including sera, cell lysates, and plasma. ELISA is used as a diagnostic tool in medicine and plant pathology, as well as a quality-control check in various industries.

ScienCell offers a variety of ELISA kits ranging over many fields in the life sciences, such as molecular biology, molecular immunology, and cytobiology. ScienCell ELISA kits allow specific, quantitative and consistent measurements of soluble antigens found in sera, plasma, body fluids, tissue lysates and cell culture supernatants.

ScienCell ELISA kits feature:

  • Extremely high quality, user-friendly, and quick detection that requires only small amounts of sample.
  • Test data and corresponding sample standards for the preparation of a standard detection curve.
  • Ready-to-use and scalable formats, containing reagents for up to 96 reactions in the 96-well immunoassay divisible plate format.
  • All at an excellent value.

ELISA kits

Blog posts

Cell Culture Tools

Tools for all your cell culture experiments: primary cells, cell lines, iPSCs, animal-free media and more!


GeneQuery Analyzer Tool for data analysis and interpretation of GeneQuery™ qPCR Array kits

Introducing ScienCell's new GeneQuery Analyzer tool, now live on!


3 Techniques and 3 Tips to Take High-Quality Microscopy Pictures of Primary Cells

When it comes to primary cell culture, a picture is worth a thousand words. Follow these tips from ScienCell to get quality microscopy images.


Airway Epithelial Cells: Coronaviruses’ gateway to infection

Epithelial cells are the most numerous cells in the lungs and contribute to innate and adaptive immunity. Airway epithelial cells are located in the l…



  Category Title  
Telomere LengthPCR Kits DocumentsTelomere Length  View
Absolute & Relative Human, Rat, Mouse, Bovine, & Pig Telomere Length Quantification qPCR Assay Kits  
Specialised Media for Primary CellsCell Culture DocumentsSpecialised Media for Primary Cells  View
ScienCell provides low serum speciality, serum-free and animal-component-free media for primary cells.  
Quality Tools for DNA-RNA IsolationMolecular Biology DocumentsQuality Tools for DNA-RNA Isolation  View
Tools for DNA-RNA Isolation and all-in-one PCR/qPCR master mixes.  
Primary Neurons for Neuroscience ResearchNeuroscience DocumentsPrimary Neurons for Neuroscience Research  View
Human, Rat and Mouse Neurons and related medium from ScienCell Research Laboratories.  
Primary Cells For Immunology ResearchImmunology DocumentsPrimary Cells For Immunology Research  View
ScienCell provides primary cells, medium, cell-based assays and GeneQuery qPCR Arrays for Immunology research.  
Growth Factors and ProteinsProteins DocumentsGrowth Factors and Proteins  View
ScienCell provides a range of human and animal growth factors and proteins.  
Cell Culture ReagentsCell Culture DocumentsCell Culture Reagents  View
ScienCell provides a range of reagents for cell culture.  
Animal Primary CellsPrimary Cells DocumentsAnimal Primary Cells  View
ScienCell provides primary cells from Rats, Bovines, Rabbits, Porcines, Dogs, Horses and Mice.  
Human Primary CellsPrimary Cells DocumentsHuman Primary Cells  View
ScienCell provides human primary cells for various cell systems: nervous, ocular, female reproductive, male reproductive, placental and umbilical.  
Human Pluripotent Stem Cell ProductsStem Cells DocumentsHuman Pluripotent Stem Cell Products  View
ScienCell provides a wide range of quality stem cell products including culture medium & reagents, differentiation medium, feeder cells, matrices & Cultureware, molecular biology products, gene analysis tools, growth factors, and hPSC-derived cells.  
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