World’s First Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kits

World’s First Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kits


Pseudogenes have garnered substantial interest in current cell biology and pathology studies, as their transcription has been shown to be much more common and functionally important than previously thought. Pseudogene transcription analysis has garnered substantial interest in current cell biology and pathology studies. Pseudogenes, first described in 1977, are segments of DNA bearing high sequence similarity to their corresponding functional genes, but have lost some or all of the functionality.

In general, they can be classified into 3 categories based on their origins: i) processed or retro-transposed pseudogenes (example: human pseudogene PTENP1), which come from spontaneously reverse transcription of mRNA fragments; ii) non-processed or duplicated pseudogenes (example: human pseudogene ARHGAP27P1), which are results of gene duplication events with spontaneous mutations during evolution; and iii) unitary or disabled pseudogenes (example: human pseudogene GULOP), which were originally functional but became deactivated due to spontaneous mutations during evolution. Notably although the majority of pseudogenes either are not fully functional, or cannot be transcribed or expressed, a good number of pseudogenes have been shown to play critical roles in normal physiology and pathophysiology. A common role of pseudogenes is competing endogenous RNAs (ceRNAs), which can affect the expression level of the corresponding functional genes. In addition, the expression of some pseudogenes have been reported to be tissue-specific, giving rise to differences of biological processes among the tissues.

ScienCell’s GeneQuery™ pseudogene transcription analysis qPCR kits are designed to facilitate the transcript quantification of a target pseudogene and its corresponding functional gene or a highly related gene.

Product CodeGene CodeProduct Description
SC-GK801GQP-PTENP1GeneQuery™ Human PTEN-PTENP1 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK802GQP-LILRP2GeneQuery™ Human LILRB3-LILRP2 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK803GQP-ABCC6P1GeneQuery™ Human ABCC6-ABCC6P1 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK804GQP-AOC4PGeneQuery™ Human AOC3-AOC4P Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK805GQP-ARHGAP27P1GeneQuery™ Human ARHGAP27-ARHGAP27P1 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK806GQP-FER1L4GeneQuery™ Human PTEN-FER1L4 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK807GQP-FER1L4-BGeneQuery™ Human OTOF-FER1L4 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK808GQP-KRASP1GeneQuery™ Human KRAS-KRASP1 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK809GQP-MT1DPGeneQuery™ Human MT1A-MT1DP Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK810GQP-MYLKP1GeneQuery™ Human MYLK-MYLKP1 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK811GQP-SMUG1P1GeneQuery™ Human SMUG1-SMUG1P1 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK812GQH-SUMO1P3GeneQuery™ Human SUMO1-SUMO1P3 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK813GQP-TMPOP2GeneQuery™ Human TMPO-TMPOP2 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK814GQP-VIM2PGeneQuery™ Human VIM-VIM2P Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit
SC-GK815GQP-ZNF300P1 GeneQuery™ Human ZNF300-ZNF300P1 Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kit



World’s First Pseudogene Transcription Analysis qPCR Kits
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