TIM-3 – Galectin-9 Pathway T cell immunoglobulin & mucin-3 (TIM-3; HAVcr-2) is an immune checkpoint receptor involved in the suppression of both innate & adaptive immune cells.
ICOS [CD278] – ICOSL [CD275] Pathway ICOS/ICOSL signalling leads to the activation, proliferation and survival of cytotoxic T cells, as well as the survival of memory T cells.
PD-1 [CD279]/PD-L1 [CD274] Pathway The PD-1/PD-L1 or PD-L2 signalling pathway is a negative regulatory mechanism that inhibits T cell proliferation and cytokine production.
Microtubules, Post-translational Modifications of Tubulins and Neurodegeneration AdipoGen Life Sciences have comprehensive & unique reagents for microtubule research.
Proteins with Enhanced Activity & Stability AdipoGen Life Sciences specialises in the development of recombinant proteins that show enhanced activity and stability, produced in mammalian cells.
Progranulin [PGRN] – Marker of Neuroinflammation AdipoGen’s Progranulin (human) ELISA Kit is the only kit that can detect all mutations in the progranulin gene.
Poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation (PARylation) – An Important Posttranslational Modification AdipoGen Life Sciences provide high quality reagents for PAR & PARP research
PANoptosis – Inflammatory Cell Death PANoptosomes are involved in many diseases including autoinflammatory, metabolic & neurodegenerative diseases, cancer & microbial human infections.
Non-Animal Source Multiclonal Recombinant Secondary Antibodies – Adipogen MULTICLONALS are recombinant secondary antibodies developed by AdipoGen’s innovative partner Abcalis.
FNDC5/Irisin & FNDC4 – Members of the FNDC Protein Family AdipoGen Life Sciences offers a broad range of FNDC4, FNDC5 and Irisin research reagents, including Recombinant Proteins, Antibodies and ELISA Kits.