Take a look at our range of cardiovascular products to help discoveries in your research.
Nanobody (VHH) Development Service
Leadgene Biomedical offers a Nanobody (VHH Antibody) Development Service, now available at special pricing when you contact us!
NanOZ-LNP Lipid Nanoparticles
OZ Biosciences provides custom and stock lipid nanoparticles (LNP) delivery systems.
Neuroscience Research Tools by Caltag Medsystems
The brain continues to be one of the least understood organs, and we continue to support you change this fact with our neuroscience products!
Cancer Research Tools by Caltag Medsystems
With 1 person dying of cancer every 4 minutes, there is a need for more research. Explore our cancer research products to help change these statistics.
Cell & Gene Therapy Tools from Caltag Medsystems
Many Cell & Gene therapies have been developed, but this field still needs further research. Our wide range of products are here to help. Have a look!
30% off Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Osteoarthritic Donors
Get 30% off Renovos’ Mesenchymal Stem Cells whilst stock lasts! Contact us with promo code ‘RenovosMSC’ to redeem this offer.
Skin Cells
Biopredic International are able to provide a selection of skin cells, including Keratinocytes and Fibroblasts.
Fresh Human & Animal Hepatocytes
Biopredic International provides both human and animal hepatocytes, either plated or in suspension.
Atg12 Binding Cascade: Cross-talk Between Apoptosis and Autophagy
MBLI’s autophagy reagents include important targets such as LC3, p62/SQSTM1, ATG12, ATG14, ATG16L, ATG9, ULK1, and more.