
GeneQuery™ Human Transcription Factors qPCR Array Kit

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PCR Kits
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SC-GK1241 kit£298.00
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Further Information

ScienCell's GeneQuery™ Human Transcription Factors qPCR Array Kit (GQH-TRF) surveys a panel of 88 transcription factors. Transcription factors are proteins that can regulate target gene transcription level by binding to specific regions of genome known as enhancers or silencers. Misregulation of transcription factors can lead to aberrations in signaling transduction and a variety of disorders including autoimmunity, neurological disorders, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. Brief examples of how genes may be grouped according to their functions are shown below:
  • Stem cell-related: - NANOG, POU5F1, SOX2, EGR1, FOXD3, FOXO1, KLF4, MEF2B, PAX6, SOX18
  • Cancer stem cell-related: - NANOG, POU5F1, SOX2, AR, FOXO3, MYC, NKX3-1, SNAI1, SOX9, TFAP2A, TP53, TWIST1
  • Oxidative stress-related: - ARNT, ETS1/2, IRF1, JUN, NFAT5, NFKB1, NFYA, SMAD1, SRF, STAT3
  • Neuroprotective function-related: - CREB1, ESR1, FOXA1, GATA1/2/3, NFE2L2, NR4A2, PPARA, SP1, TBX3
  • Growth factor-mediated signaling pathways: -CREBBP, ELK1, FOS, HIF1A, ID1, NFAT5, NFATs, STAT1/3/5A
  • Wnt signaling pathway: - CEBPA, CEBPB, GBX2, HNF4A, LEF1, MITF, OLIG1, PITX2, SMAD4, SOX2
  • MAPK signaling pathway: - ATF2/4, ELK1, FOX, JUN, MAX, MEF2A/C, NFKB1, SP1, STAT1/3
  • B/T-cell receptor signaling pathways: - E2F1, ELK1, FOS, GATA3, JUN, MYB, NFATs, RUNX1, STAT6
  • Oncogenes & tumor suppressors: - ABL1, BRCA1, CDKN2A, JUNB, MYCN, NF1, RARA, RB1, TGFB1, TNF
Note : - all gene names follow their official symbols by the Human Genome Organization Gene Nomenclature Committee (HGNC). GeneQuery™ qPCR array kits are qPCR ready in a 96-well plate format, with each well containing one primer set that can specifically recognize and efficiently amplify a target gene's cDNA. The carefully designed primers ensure that: (i) the optimal annealing temperature in qPCR analysis is 65°C (with 2 mM Mg^2+ , and no DMSO); (ii) the primer set recognizes all known transcript variants of target gene, unless otherwise indicated; and (iii) only one gene is amplified. Each primer set has been validated by qPCR with melt curve analysis, and gel electrophoresis.
Extra Description:
GeneQuery™ qPCR array kits are qPCR ready in a 96-well plate format, with each well containing one primer set that can specifically recognize and efficiently amplify a target gene's cDNA.