News Release Journal Article Highlights AlbuVoid™ in Cancer Functional Proteomic Analysis

News Release Journal Article Highlights AlbuVoid™ in Cancer Functional Proteomic Analysis

Biotech Support Group reports on a new research report which highlights the simplicity and efficiency of their proteomic sample preparation technology as an initial enrichment step to the Array Bridge (St. Louis, MO) Protein Elution Plate (PEP). The combined methods support functional proteomic profiling of breast cancer sera. The citation is:

David L. Wang, Chuanguang Xiao, Guofeng Fu, Xing Wang and Liang Li. Identification of potential serum biomarkers for breast cancer using a functional proteomics technology. Biomarker Research (2017) 5:11. DOI 10.1186/s40364-017-0092-9

In this study, a functional proteomics technology was used to systematically monitor metabolic enzyme and protease activities from resolved serum proteins produced by a modified 2-D gel separation and subsequent Protein Elution Plate, a method collectively called PEP. AlbuVoid™ was used to remove Albumin and enrich the low abundance serum proteome. The article states “The most dramatic difference for enzyme activity detection in using the AlbuVoid for serum protein enrichment was demonstrated. … Compared with the direct serum proteinase measurement, both the levels and species of proteases were increased significantly in the enriched serum sample. …protease activity in the direct serum analysis suggested that the protease levels in the serum were below the detection threshold of protease activity…,and it is necessary to use AlbuVoid to enrich these low level proteases to bring them to a high enough level to be detected.” Both qualitative and quantitative differences in the metabolic enzyme and protease activity were detected between breast cancer patient and control group, providing excellent biomarker candidates for breast cancer diagnosis and drug development.

We are very pleased to see that AlbuVoid™ provided the enrichment necessary to uncover biomarker candidates for cancer using the PEP platform. A key feature in all of our products is to not only separate proteomes but to retain the functional features of proteins after separations. This is important as protein conformations is highly variable, each conformation contributes to its own unique functional activity. AlbuVoid™ enrichment followed by PEP can profile these functional activities” states Swapan Roy, Ph.D., President and Founder of Biotech Support Group.

For more information on AlbuVoid™, go to:

About Biotech Support Group LLC

Converging with cultural and technological disruptions forthcoming in healthcare, Biotech Support Group develops methods for cost effective and efficient sample prep essential for these expanding markets. Following a tiered business strategy, the company continues its growth in the consumable research products area supporting the rapidly expanding installation of LC-MS instrument and computational infrastructure. For this market, key products include: AlbuVoid™ and AlbuSorb™ for albumin depletion, Cleanascite™ for lipid adsorption, HemogloBind™ and HemoVoid™ for hemoglobin removal, and NuGel™ for functional proteomics. From these innovations, the company has acquired knowledgebase and biomarker intellectual property assets that support discoveries of protein markers from blood, with special emphasis on early detection and personalized medical decisions for cancer patients. For more information, go to 

Originally posted on 8th December 2015:

Biotech Support Group is distributed by Caltag Medsystems, to see more click here.


News Release Journal Article Highlights AlbuVoid™ in Cancer Functional Proteomic Analysis

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