Caesin Kinase-2 Assay / Inhibitor Screening Kit

Caesin Kinase-2 Assay / Inhibitor Screening Kit

The CycLex® CK2 Assay / Inhibitor Screening Kit is designed to measure the activity of purified Casein Kinase-2 (CK2) for the rapid and sensitive evaluation of CK2 inhibitors or activators. The phospho-specific monoclonal antibody used in this CK2 assay kit specifically recognises the phospho-serine46 residue in p53, which is phosphorylated by CK2 in vitro.

Protein kinase CK2 is a ubiquitous and pleiotropic serine/threonine protein kinase that interacts with many different signalling pathways, especially those involved in specific phases of the cell cycle. The holoenzyme is composed of two catalytic (α and/or α’) and two regulatory (β) subunits. Both the free α/α’ catalytic subunits and the holoenzyme are constitutively active, a feature that is suspected to underlie CK2’s oncogenic potential. The enzyme is highly expressed in most cancers, and research suggests that CK2 dysregulation in tumours may influence their apoptotic activity. Thus, CK2 is an attractive target for anti-neoplastic and anti-tumour drugs.

Fig. 1 Dose dependency of the recombinant CK2 enzyme reaction, measured using the CycLex® CK2 assay kit with positive controls CK2 α/β and CK2 α’/β.

Product Information

CycLex® Casein kinase-2 (CK2) Assay / Inhibitor Screening Kit (96 wells)

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Caesin Kinase-2 Assay / Inhibitor Screening Kit

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