The FMH QuikQuant Kit is a flow cytometric method for FMH detection and quantification. The assay uses a reagent containing a monoclonal antibody to Hemoglobin F and Propidium Iodide as a specific marker of nucleated cells. The method is a
Diagnosis of Foetomaternal Hemorrhage (FMH)
The Fetal Cell Count™ Kit (CE/IVD) – A complete assay for the routine diagnosis of Foetomaternal Hemorrhage using Anti-CA and Anti-HbF. Key Features Unique quantification of Fetomaternal Hemorrhage by flow cytometry Complete assay for routine diagnosis of Fetomaternal Hemorrhage Detection as low
Cell Fixation and Permeabilistation Kit for Intracellular Staining
Intracellular staining of protein biomarkers using antibodies in flow cytometry has opened up a diversity of new options for phenotypic and functional characterisation of cells in both research and clinical diagnosis. Definitive phenotypic identification of certain cell types can require labelling
The HitAlert Kit: A complete kit for the reliable diagnosis of Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
The HITAlert Kit™ is a CE/IVD functional assay for the diagnosis of Heparin Induced Thrombocytopenia. This kit uses donor platelets (PRP) which are incubated in the presence of patient serum and in the presence or absence of heparin. A platelet activation marker