Transficient™ and siRfficient™: Superior Transfection Activity against other Commercial Reagents in Numerous Adherent Cell Types

Transficient™ and siRfficient™: Superior Transfection Activity against other Commercial Reagents in Numerous Adherent Cell Types

Transficient™ and siRfficient™ from MBL International are transfection reagents that provide superior transfection efficiency for primary cells and a wide variety of cell lines, including those “hard-to-transfect” cell lines. They are a cost effective and highly efficient tool for your downstream applications using a simple transfection protocol.

Transficient™ : DNA Transfection Reagent

This product has been developed and optimised for delivery of nucleic acids, such as plasmid DNA and mRNA into a wide variety of cell types by creating highly stable nanoparticles that facilitates cellular uptake, endosomal escape and localization to the nucleus.

Key benefits:

  • High transfection efficiency into primary cells and a wide variety of cell lines
  • Works with or without serum
  • Easy to use
  • Robust
  • Very low toxicity


Five different cell lines were transfected using the Luciferase gene and the Transficient™ reagent. Expression levels were compared to competitor transfection reagents.


Product CodeProduct descriptionPack Size
WU1001Transficient™ DNA Transfection Reagent SAMPLE1ml
WU1002Transficient™ Transfection Reagent3ml
WU1003Transficient™ Transfection Reagent10ml
WU1004Transficient™ Transfection Reagent6 x 10ml
WU1005Transficient™ Transfection Reagent12 x 10ml

Transficient™ DNA Transfection Reagent samples available, please email to request.

siRfficient™: siRNA Transfection Reagent

This product has been developed and optimised for gene silencing experiments. It provides the highest efficiencies for the delivery of siRNA, microRNA or antisense RNA into the cytoplasm of a wide variety of cell types, including Neuro 2a, Jurkat, K562 and LLC-1cells.

Key benefits:

  • High transfection efficiency into primary cells and a wide variety of cell lines
  • Works with or without serum
  • Easy to use
  • Robust
  • Very low toxicity


Left: β-actin levels were knocked down in Jurkat cells using the siRfficient™ reagent. Compared to Company A and Company B, siRfficient™ showed a 90% knockdown level. Right: VEGF protein levels were silenced using the siRfficient™ reagent, with and without serum in a Neuro 2a cell line. The results were compared Competitor silencing reagents.


Product CodeProduct descriptionPack Size
WU2001siRfficient™ siRNA Transfection Reagent SAMPLE1ml
WU2002siRfficient™ siRNA Transfection Reagent3ml
WU2003siRfficient™ siRNA Transfection Reagent10ml
WU2004siRfficient™ siRNA Transfection Reagent6 x 10ml
WU2005siRfficient™ siRNA Transfection Reagent12 x 10ml

siRNA Transfection Reagent samples available, please email to request.

Transficient™ and siRfficient™: Superior Transfection Activity against other Commercial Reagents in Numerous Adherent Cell Types
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